Professional lighting, especially lighting systems for roads, streets, public squares and parks, must fulfill its function of lighting the space and providing residents with a sense of security, while also creating a pleasant, aesthetically-appealing environment in line with the space.
In addition to these requirements, professional lighting has evolved and also must provide certain guarantees with regard to energy savings and reducing carbon emissions. This kind of sustainable guarantee is precisely the basis for the Energy Efficiency Plan causing many towns and cities to renovate and update their lights to comply with new environmental and energy efficiency laws.
To comply with these laws, companies like Televes offer a number of solutions based on professional LED lighting, one of the most effective systems to update lighting systems and help cities and towns of all kinds to comply with new regulations while also providing the best service to their residents.
While Televes provides these kinds of next-generation professional lighting solutions, it also acts an advisor so that all decision-makers involved can learn about all the resources available to them to comply with this new Energy Efficiency Plan as well as the different grants focused on these goals.
Reducing carbon emissions is one of this new plan’s priorities, so many of the grants provided by governments focus on eradicating this problem.
Specifically, IDAE grants for Local Institutions offer different types of monetary assistance so that all towns and cities can develop projects focused on creating a Low-Carbon Economy, as towns and cities are some of the biggest consumers of this kind of energy.
IDAE grants are provided through European ERDF funding and their purpose is to drive energy efficiency and renewable energy projects by, for example, co-funding lighting system renovations committed to sustainable, efficient lighting systems with a low environmental impact.
Depending on the autonomous community and type of grant, this co-funding aid covers at least 50% of the investment, and can exceed 80% in certain autonomous communities such as Galicia, Extremadura, and Andalusia.
Updating and implementing new lighting systems that reduce carbon emissions is the kind of action included in these new energy plans that encourage investing in professional lights that provide significant energy savings.
In both cases, the professional LED lighting developed by Televes is the best choice as the energy savings from this type of lighting can reach up to 70% compared to previous technologies, while they are also products that meet and exceed the requirements listed in the document published by the Spanish Lighting Committee and the IDAE.
In addition to the importance of investing in lighting systems that meet these specifications, technological solutions such as those offered by Televes provide great value as they are lighting installations with lifetimes over 20 years.
After receiving these grants, implementing sustainable lighting systems, and utilizing Televes’ assessment to choose the best solutions and facilitate their automation and remote management, there is no town or city unable to implement next-generation lighting systems backed by Televes’ professional guarantee.